In September 2022, thanks to the Rockefeller Archive Center, a “repository and research center for the study of philanthropy and its impact throughout the world,” People for the Pavilion was able to obtain and share a number of images related to the construction and use of the New York State Pavilion, as well as significant correspondence and memos related to discussions around planning for its post-Fair future. View the materials by section, below:
The New York State Pavilion is a historic structure originally built for the 1964-65 World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens. The structure was the shining star of Fair, charming millions of visitors who flocked to Queens for a two-year celebration that made it the center of the world.
The Pavilion closed shortly after the Fair, and in the 50 years since, no long-term use has been found for the the ailing structure. Today, this unique and impressive historic landmark offers an opportunity to once again serve as a vibrant public space in the heart of New York's most diverse borough.
People for the Pavilion (PFP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to raising awareness of the historic value of the New York State Pavilion, and of its potential to serve as a vibrant and functional public space.
PFP works to build a community around the Pavilion through public programs, events, and communications, with a focus on individuals, organizations, and institutions around Flushing Meadows Corona Park.